
WHO advice for International Traffic in Relation To Omicron

by Aaron Finch

New information regarding the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Traffic in Relation To Omicron (Omicron) has been released by WHO. 

Here Fabulous Story is the advice from WHO is that those with an increased risk of developing a brain tumour should avoid travelling to countries where Ebola virus is circulating.

As part of their advice, WHO also advises those who may be exposed to Ebola virus that they should immediately seek medical treatment if they feel unwell.

WHO advices for International Traffic in Relation To Omicron :

1. Workers are at high risk-

International travel and transport workers are considered at high risk of infection by Ebola virus. They should avoid direct contact with blood, secretions, mucus or other body fluids of individuals suspected or confirmed to have Ebola virus disease.

2. Precautions –

Unless they have been in close personal contact with those who may have been infected by the Ebola virus, health care workers (HCW) should avoid direct contact with patients suspected or confirmed to have Ebola virus disease. 

HCW are advised to wear protective clothing and double gloves when dealing with these patients as well as having a comprehensive hand hygiene policy in place to ensure that they do not infect others before leaving an infected area.

3. Distance –

The WHO advises those who have been in direct contact with an infected person that they should avoid traveling to remote and rural areas for at least three weeks after visiting an area where cases of Ebola virus disease have been reported.

4. Control –

The WHO has put in place a system which means that information on a suspected outbreak can be circulated through health care facilities, airports, and ship harbors around the world.

 This will allow local and national authorities to take the necessary preventive measures in order to contain any outbreak of Ebola virus disease before it becomes widespread or unmanageable.

5. Treatment –

Individuals who have been exposed to Ebola virus and who develop any of the following symptoms should seek medical attention immediately: fever, severe headache, muscle pain, general malaise, diarrhea, vomiting and stomach pain.

 Those who have been in contact with a suspected or confirmed Ebola patient or with their body fluids should ask for help from health care personnel if they feel unwell. The virus is transmitted from person to person by direct contact with the blood or bodily fluids of an infected animal or human.

6. Prevention –

The WHO advises that all those who have traveled to an area where Ebola virus is present should check their temperature twice daily, be alert for any symptoms of the disease, and seek immediate medical assistance if they do become unwell. 

They should avoid handling dead bodies of animals, including forest antelope which are heavily infected by Ebola virus.

7. Surveillance –

Healthcare workers should carefully monitor airline passengers who have a high risk of having contracted Ebola virus for 21 days after arriving in an area where cases have been reported even though this is the maximum incubation period.

8. Vaccinations –

It is too early to determine whether vaccines will be available in time to be used in the event of an Ebola virus outbreak on a large scale in the future. 

All those who are at high risk of contracting Ebola virus should take precautionary measures and get vaccinated as soon as it becomes available.

The WHO has said that further recommendations will be made if it becomes necessary, depending on how many cases of Ebola virus start spreading around the world.

 In addition they have advised that they will continue to update their advice with new information as it becomes available and predicted risks, including economic risks, become clearer.

9. Outbreak Information –

The WHO have been monitoring the Ebola outbreak in West Africa since March 2014 and are running a multi-country, multi-partner health emergency response. The virus is spread through direct contact with blood, bodily fluids or tissues of infected animals and people.

 Current outbreaks have occurred in countries including Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone. Ebola is considered to be one of the most lethal viruses known to humanity as it has a fatality rate of up to 90%. Symptoms include fever, headache, sore throat and weakness followed by vomiting, diarrhea, rash and internal and external bleeding.

 It can only be confirmed by laboratory tests on blood samples taken during the early stages of infection.

10. Zagreb and Geneva –

WHO is currently responding to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa from its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. In addition it has an outbreak response team working from its European regional office for Europe (WHO/Europe) located in Copenhagen, Denmark. 

WHO/Europe is currently mobilizing additional staff to the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific (WHO/Western Pacific) located in Manila, Philippines to help with the ongoing outbreak response in the Philippines as well as other countries nearby.

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