
The History of SEO Strategists

by Aaron Finch
Search engine

In the mid-1990s, SEO strategists worked primarily as marketing consultants in arts and entertainment, tourism and government industries. Late 1990s to early 2000s – Copywriters began to focus on producing more content such as articles, blog posts, and web pages with the intention of increasing a website’s search engine rank in Google. 

2010-2012 – As search engines became more sophisticated and competition among businesses increased within the industry, some companies sought assistance from social media consultants to help them engage their customers through platforms like Twitter or Facebook. 2013 – The digital marketing landscape was changing rapidly. One of the major trends that surfaced during this period by the end of 2013 was that companies were seeking to retain their social media marketing consultants, who were also considered as digital marketing strategists. Citation building is becoming more important than ever.

Identified 1.7 million citations on a monthly basis (August 2018) with more than 800,000 per month during the summer months of 2014. Primary source of authority is Bibliographic databases (i.e., Google Scholar, Scopus and JSTOR). 

Secondary sources of authority are major journals and books published in the field by other academics. “The History of SEO Strategists” research project article was included on the list, totaling to approximately 15 citations at that time making it an anomaly compared to other journal articles listed on that page.

The History of SEO Strategists :

1. Introduction :

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a buzzword in the digital marketing world today. This process essentially involves increasing the visibility of a website on search engine results pages (SERPs) in order to increase traffic levels. SEO strategies have been used by businesses around the world to increase their online exposure and boost their revenues.

On a broader scale, SEO strategists in general are also known as Internet marketers, Search engine optimization specialists, Web content writers and many more titles. The history of SEO strategists describes how internet marketing consultants developed over time.

2. The Middle Ages :

In the mid-1990s, SEO strategists worked primarily as marketing consultants in arts and entertainment, tourism and government industries. Clients would come to them with a specified set of goals they wanted to achieve and they would use search engine optimization strategies to help their clients achieve these goals. 

Resources at this point were limited and there was little information on the internet which limited strategists’ ability to connect with one another for advice. Most resources were obtained from books that included how-to guidebooks for doing specific tasks related to SEO, as well as articles from trade magazines providing general advice on marketing over the internet.

3. The Renaissance :

In the late 1990s, SEO strategists began to focus on producing more content such as articles, blog posts and web pages with the intention of increasing a website’s search engine rank in Google. This new strategy focused less on specific tasks and more on driving traffic to a website through keyword-rich content.

 At this point, SEO strategists were working primarily as in-house consultants for SMEs (small and medium enterprises) who were looking to obtain additional visibility online. Due to growing competition within the industry, some companies sought assistance from social media consultants in order to help them engage their customers through platforms like Twitter or Facebook.

4. The Age of the Encyclopedists :

In 2010 – 2012, as search engines became more sophisticated and competition among businesses increased within the industry, some companies sought assistance from social media consultants to help them engage their customers through platforms like Twitter and Facebook. 

During this period, many businesses were spending more time trying to get their content noticed by search engines than they were on traditional marketing campaigns. This was a time when people began paying attention to social media marketing strategies.

5. The Digital Marketing Landscape : 

During 2013, the landscape of digital marketing was changing rapidly. One of the major trends that surfaced during this period by the end of 2013 was that companies were seeking to retain their social media marketing consultants, who were also considered as digital marketing strategists. 

Competitions from newer players like Facebook and Google meant that smaller businesses couldn’t compete with big brands without some expert assistance. These experts were called digital marketing strategists as they knew ways to target consumers and grow their businesses. This transition to digital marketing has become a well-paid career opportunity for people looking to get into the industry.

6. The History of SEO Strategists :

As marketers, we all need to be more aware of how modern digital marketing works. To accomplish this, let’s look at the history of SEO Strategists. According to the History of SEO Strategists, the history of SEO strategists goes back to the late 1990s and early 2000s when marketers were not as concerned about broadening their brand reach.

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