
5 major environmental problems and solutions

by Aaron Finch

The world is in a state of crisis, with climate change, pollution, deforestation and other environmental issues. 

Yet we have the power to solve these problems by taking action both now and long-term. 

Here  are 5 major environmental problems that you can help solve today:

1) Climate Change –

 We’ve all seen the news about how poorly our planet’s ecosystem has been affected by this specific issue. 

The consequences are catastrophic for our planet and humankind. Solutions? There are many, but cutting back on your personal carbon footprint will be one of them. 

2) Ocean Pollution –

4 to 8 million tons of garbage enter the oceans every year, which is an alarming problem on its own. Yet there’s another problem as well.

 Plastic debris in the water breaks down into tiny pieces (microplastics), which are being consumed by marine life and humans and no one knows exactly what dangers they pose. Solutions? 

Avoiding single-use plastics like plastic bags and water bottles, as well as reducing your consumption of meat and fish, are just some ways you can reduce your impact on ocean pollution.

3) Deforestation –

Forests are home to countless plants and animals, as well as millions of indigenous people. 

Yet in the last century, huge swaths of forests have been decimated by logging, agriculture and urban sprawl. In fact, we’ve lost 50% of our forests globally since the beginning of human civilization. Solutions?

 You can reduce your environmental impact in a variety of ways- from eating less meat to cutting down on air travel – but planting trees is one of the best ways you can help!

4) Plastic Pollution –

Plastic is everywhere. From water bottles and food packaging materials, to toys and even air conditioning units, plastic pollution is a widespread problem that will only become worse as we continue consuming more of it.

 Solutions? Avoiding single-use plastic bags and other harmful plastics (like polystyrene foam, Styrofoam and PVC) helps reduce the amount of plastic that ends up in waterways or on land (where it ultimately finds its way into our oceans). 

5) Air Pollution –

Air pollution is a serious problem, and it’s especially important in developing countries where many people still don’t have access to clean running water or electricity. It’s estimated that air pollution kills over 7 million people every year – and that number could rise dramatically globally unless we act now. 

Solutions? Increasing your personal air quality is a great first step, but you can also help reduce emissions by investing in clean energy technologies like solar and wind power (and get involved with the fight against climate change). 

We all need to start taking action towards environmental sustainability.

Solutions for environmental problems  :

1. Reduce your personal carbon footprint by becoming more energy-efficient, taking public transit or living car-free.

2. Avoid single-use plastics like plastic bags and water bottles and buy reusable alternatives instead.

3. Reduce your personal carbon footprint by using public transit or carpooling (e.g., carpooling with friends, cycling or taking public transit).

4. Turn off lights (especially CFLs) and unplug electronics when not in use to save electricity.

5 Give up meat and dairy for a week to see if you can get used to eating vegetarian meals. (You can get a vegetarian meal plan and learn how to cook healthy vegetarian meals at

6. Buy recycled or reusable items when you can, reducing the amount of trash in your home, school and workplace.

7. Participate in recycling programs that provide free materials for reuse.

8. Be a paper towel champion! Bring your own cloth bag to the store or supermarket and ask for paper towels instead of single-use plastic ones.

9. Buy recycled or reusable products whenever possible. This includes buying used items instead of new ones, reused gifts and clothing, and buying second-hand furniture, appliances and cars.

10. Avoid bottled water and drink tap water instead.

11. Shop at local farmer’s markets to support local farmers by buying fresh food instead of processed supermarket food that carries a high carbon footprint.

12. Join a community-supported agriculture (CSA) scheme to help reduce your environmental impact by supporting the local farmer who grows your food! 

13. Eat less meat and fish and more plant-based foods.

14. Reduce your consumption of animal products like dairy and eggs. You can buy eggs and milk that are free-range, organic or cage-free.

15. Eat less sugar and junk foods, especially those with high amounts of salt (such as potato chips, chocolate bars and other processed foods). Shredded wheat is an easy way to reduce your sugar intake .

16. Consume all food items in their most natural form to reduce the amount of packaging that you have to throw away later 

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