What to Look for in Your Child’s Preschool

When choosing a preschool for your little one, it is obvious you are worried. It is important to know how to recognize good schools from bad ones. Here is a checklist of what you should look for.


What kind of curriculum does the school follow? Some implement the International Baccalaureate program. If you are moving to Malaysia, then the best kindergarten in Kuala Lumpur for you is one that implements the same curriculum as the schools do in your home country. That way, when you go back, your children can transfer without a problem.


Does the preschool have the proper credentials? Is it accredited? Accreditation means that the school has operated within rules and regulations set by the accrediting body. It’s a sign that you’re looking in the right places.


What qualifications do the teachers have? Do they have the necessary training and experience? How long have they been teaching? Are they experts in their subject areas? Knowing that the teachers have the credentials to provide guidance and instruction to your kids is reassuring.


The quality of the learning experience is one of the most important factors you must consider. That depends a lot on the teaching staff. Is the teacher invested in the students? Does the teacher want the kids to succeed? Does the teacher go above and beyond to ensure that every student has the help and attention they need?

Extracurricular Activities

What extracurricular programs does the school offer? These programs often provide students with a chance to explore their interests in a much more in-depth manner. If your kids are interested in learning more about writing or want to play sports or even deepen their knowledge of math or the sciences, they should take advantage of these learning opportunities.

Language Learning

Some international schools offer language courses, too. Learning a language enhances brain development and helps protect against premature memory loss. If your children have a talent for learning another language, then letting them attend these sessions can inspire them to pursue a career in the field of languages or linguistics. Early exposure to and learning of several languages might be the boost they need to pursue this further.


Learning another language also opens up a lot of opportunities for your kids. They grow up knowing that there’s more than one way to say cheese or I love you. As a result, they’re alive to the idea that there’s always more than one answer. That mindset helps them look for and achieve workaround solutions. They don’t easily take no for an answer, nor do they believe that there’s only one answer. That kind of mindset helps them achieve success not just at school but in their professional and personal lives later.


Extracurricular activities balance out the core academics. If your kids do nothing but focus on academics, they’ll easily get bored. Also, not all kids are happy or capable of staying still for their lessons. If this goes on for too long, your children might have a hard time concentrating in class. The right extracurricular program, though, provides balance, so that the kids won’t have to spend all their time on academics. If they find those extracurricular programs fun, that’s going to have a positive impact on their engagement and motivation levels.


Don’t forget to talk to your children. What kind of school do they want? Show them the shortlist you’ve been working on. Winnow down those options together. Discuss each one and provide pros and cons to every option. That way, your kids have a good idea of what to expect. By asking them to be a part of the decision-making process, though, you make the selection process meaningful.

 Keep the list in mind when you start checking out options. With a clear idea of the essential details, you’ll have an easier time winnowing down your choices.


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