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How to Write a Quality Guest Post

by Radhe Gupta

Guest posts are a great way to fill content gaps, but they also have a major downside. Guest posts with thin content can alienate existing audience, so make sure you don’t go too thin. Outreach takes time, and it can be thankless and soul-destroying. While tools can help you scale outreach, they can’t make it easier. Instead, plan out your guest post strategy before you create your content.

Personalization is key to writing a guest post pitch

While it may seem like a simple process, there are many details that go into creating a high quality guest post sites. First, make sure to personalize your byline and author bio. You can do this by reading other writers’ bylines and paying attention to formatting conventions. For example, Tea’s guest post was HTML-friendly, so the author bio was not spams. Next, make sure to include an informative and helpful body copy. It will show the author’s abilities as a writer and will trigger a response.

Secondly, research the blog you want to submit to. By doing a Google search or reverse image search, you can find sites that are seeking guest posts. Then, make sure to personalize your email by showing that you’ve researched the site and are interested in writing a guest post. Avoid sending generic pitches to guest post websites; these pitches are often ignored. Make sure you tailor your pitch to each website you approach to ensure you have a quality guest post.

Avoid turning down guest posting opportunities if they don’t fit with your brand

You can politely decline a guest posting opportunity if it doesn’t fit with your brand. If the website you’re contacting doesn’t have the type of content your brand prefers, consider turning it down. However, remember that the relationship between you and the website should be kept on a good footing. Be proactive in looking for other websites that may be interested in your work.

When choosing a guest author, make sure that you research the author. Make sure that they write articles for other sites about topics related to your brand. If not, find someone else to write for them. This is especially important if the guest author has a high authority in the field. This can be a great way to increase your brand recognition and increase your traffic. However, be sure to check if backlinks are allowed on the website. If not, choose someone whose reputation precedes their work.

Include tidbits that get the blogger to like you better

When writing a quality guest post, you should always strive to be as genuine and authentic as possible. While you should try to fit in with the blog’s niche, it’s important to stay authentic. If you are a well-known brand, be sure to mention some facts that will make the blogger like you more. In addition, you can answer comments in the post to make the blogger feel more comfortable.

When writing a quality guest post, you should follow any guidelines set out by the blogger. Some guidelines may include breaking the post into three parts, keeping it under a thousand words, and including five internal links. While you should be consistent with your style and voice, you should also pay attention to unspoken norms. Every blog has a particular way of writing.

Create a great guest blogging bio

To get traffic to your blog, create a great bio for your guest posting. A bio is the bridge that connects you to your audience, so make sure every word counts. A blah bio won’t engage your audience and will only lead them to your website – a great bio is an invitation to learn more. In a few lines, tell your readers what they can expect from your content. Then, provide a link to your website so they can check it out.


You can include anything relevant to your guest posting services on the bio, including your business. Whether your bio is about your freelance work, your family life, your success as a mom, or anything else, it should sound impressive. When writing a guest post bio, remember that users skim over these bios to determine the credibility of the person writing it. Try to keep it short and to the point, not more than two lines.

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