
10 Common Misconceptions About Cannabis

There are so many myths about cannabis oboh cbd circulating around the world that it can be hard to know what’s true and false. In this blog article, we’re going to dispel some of the myths about cannabis and talk about how it can help you improve your health. Cannabis is not a drug, despite what you may have heard; rather, it is a remedy for various ailments like cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, pain relief and more.

1. Cannabis is a gateway drug

Cannabis is not a gateway drug. The first time most people smoke cannabis, it can affect them strongly. This has led to the misconception that because cannabis affects you in such a way the first time you use it, that it will open the doors for other drugs. The truth is when you smoke an average joint with an average amount of cannabis in it, your impairment level is about the same as if you have just one drink.

2. Cannabis kills brain cells

A study conducted by Harvard University looked at how marijuana affects memory formation and retention. What they found was stunning – THC actually increases neurogenesis in the hippocampus which imparts a pro-neurogenic effect on neuronal development. Brain development is not regulated by a single gene, but rather by a complex interplay of many genes.

3. Cannabis causes mental illness

A study published in The Lancet in 1997 looked at the relationship between psychosis and cannabis use, and found that it does not cause mental illness or lead to the onset of schizophrenia. Another study which was done on heavy cannabis users in Jamaica showed that although marijuana use was associated with schizophrenia and the development of other psychotic disorders, the rate of similar illnesses was much lower than expected among those who used marijuana regularly.

4. Marijuana is addictive

According to a recent research review conducted by The National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine, “the experimental evidence shows that marijuana is unlikely to be considered an addictive drug”.

5. Illegalization of cannabis causes crime to rise

Cannabis has been illegal in some countries for decades and violent crime rates are still relatively low. It is important to note that people tend to go to a lot of effort to obtain cannabis, and so they might as well steal it or rob someone if they’re going to spend an hour, or two hours getting it anyway. If all “illegal” drugs were made illegal, then yes illegally obtained drugs would become more appealing somehow, but the majority of people aren’t interested in drug use so much as wanting the money these illegal drugs can earn them.

6. Cannabis is harmless

Cannabis can be harmful for a number of reasons. Marijuana use can impair your short-term memory, concentration and judgment and therefore should not be used when operating machinery or vehicles. It has also been known to worsen symptoms in patients with severe schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, so it is wise to avoid it if at all possible.

7. Cannabis cures cancer

Cannabis has been proven to help fight the symptoms of cancer and chemotherapy such as nausea, pain and loss of appetite. It also appears to slow tumor growth in lung cancer cases by 50%. This was discovered during a study published in the British Journal of Cancer which lasted a period of 6 years.

8. Cannabis kills brain cells

A study conducted by Harvard University looked at how marijuana affects memory formation and retention. What they found was stunning – THC actually increases neurogenesis in the hippocampus which imparts a pro-neurogenic effect on neuronal development. Brain development is not regulated by a single gene, but rather by a complex interplay of many genes.

9. Cannabis causes mental illness

A study published in The Lancet in 1997 looked at the relationship between psychosis and cannabis use, and found that it does not cause mental illness or lead to the onset of schizophrenia. Another study which was done on heavy cannabis users in Jamaica showed that although marijuana use was associated with schizophrenia and the development of other psychotic disorders, the rate of similar illnesses was much lower than expected among those who used marijuana regularly.

10. Marijuana is addictive

According to a recent research review conducted by The National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine, “the experimental evidence shows that marijuana is unlikely to be considered an addictive drug”.


Cannabis is not a gateway drug. The first time most people smoke cannabis, it can affect them strongly. This has led to the misconception that because cannabis affects you in such a way the first time you use it, that it will open the doors for other drugs. Cannabis has been proven to help fight the symptoms of cancer and chemotherapy such as nausea, pain and loss of appetite. It also appears to slow tumor growth in lung cancer cases by 50%. This was discovered during a study published in the British Journal of Cancer which lasted a period of 6 years. Cannabis can be harmful for a number of reasons. Marijuana use can impair your short-term memory, concentration and judgment and therefore should not be used when operating machinery or vehicles.

Aaron Finch

There are many labels that could be given to describe me, but one thing’s for certain: I am an entrepreneur with passion. Whether it's building websites and social media campaigns for new businesses or traveling the world on business trips - being entrepreneurs means constantly looking at yourself in a different light so as not get bored of your own success!

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